Simple Pleasures | BBC

To coincide with Mental Health Awareness Week, BBC asked me to share my thoughts on getting through the past year.
You can read the entire article here:
This was also featured on BBC’s Instagram page.

The helplessness and uncertainty of Covid-19 was terrifying for my already existing high functioning anxiety. After a long, tiring year, what helped me the most was to slow down and observe the simple pleasures of everyday life. Amidst the everyday hustle, the little things kept me going. I noticed that:

The clouds can make funny shapes that made me giggle
Walking barefoot in grass made my toes feel calm
Watering plants daily helped me with my patience
Going out for a walk without my phone made me observe the local birds
Watching the sunset made me appreciate colours
Listening to calming music before bed helped me sleep better
Petting my neighbourhood cats felt so loving
Basic cucumbers on my eyes can be just what I need after all the screen time
Soaking up the morning sun felt like a hug
Lighting a candle in the evening felt like hope

It made me realise that no matter how hard or bad life gets, it is living and experiencing these moments that helps me get through the tough days 🙂

This was commissioned by BCC for my thoughts, writing and illustration.
A version of these reminders are available as laptop stickers on my online store.